Het Festina Finance Life and Pension platform is live voor de eerste pensioenfondsen, die APG heeft overgezet naar het vernieuwde Nederlandse pensioenstelsel […]
Category : NewsThe Danes are placing higher demands on their pensions than ever before. Retirement constitutes about one-third of the average Dane’s life, making […]
Category : NewsWhat can a fintech company and an experienced IT provider learn from each other? Quite a lot, if you ask Festina Finance […]
Category : NewsPensioenuitvoerder APG gaat met behulp van het Deense FinTech-bedrijf Festina Finance een systeem voor de polis- en kapitaaladministratie ontwikkelen voor de aangesloten […]
Category : News, PersberichtLeiden, De Deense ICT dienstverlener Festina Finance A/S, sinds 2020 actief in de Nederlandse markt voor Pensioen- en Leven systemen heeft sinds […]
Category : NewsRead our published article in Copenhagen Fintech Magazine 2021. Go to the article here
Category : NewsRead our published article in Copenhagen Fintech Magazine 2021. Go to the article here
Category : NewsNicholas Gauguin Houghton-Larsen holds a master degree in science and a phd. in mathematics from Copenhagen University. His ph.d. was researching […]
Category : NewsThey say that old habits die hard, but after six months of implementation, Festina Advisor has helped to transform Denmark’s Civil Servants’ […]
Category : NewsMikkel Arentoft starts at Festina Finance as Software Architect and has more than 20 years experience with software development and architecture. Mikkel […]
Category : Employment